01 The rise and dear demise of the funky nomadic tribes - 7:11
02 Buffalo gal - 5:33
03 I don't want to forget how to jive - 1:56
04 Sarah [version] - 2:52
05 Brought down - 4:22
06 Baby face - 3:29
07 Chatting today - 4:21
08 Call the police - 3:40
09 Shades of a blue orphanage - 7:13
10 Whisky in the jar [*][version] - 5:47
11 Black boys on the corner [*] - 3:25
12 Buffalo gal [1977 overdubbed & remixed version] [live][*][version] - 5:11
13 Sarah [1977 overdubbed & remixed version] [live][*][version] - 2:48
14 Brought down [1977 overdubbed & remixed version] [live][*][version] - 3:08
15 Suicide [bbc radio john peel session] [live][#][*][version] - 4:05
16 Black boys on the corner [bbc radio john peel session] [live][#][*][ver - 3:09
17 Saga of the ageing orphan [bbc radio john peel session] [live][#][*][ve - 3:41
18 Whisky in the jar [bbc radio john peel session] [live][#][*][version] - 5:54